How I Live Out God’s Purpose Every Day—And How You Can Too

how to find your life purpose

7 Powerful Yet Practical Steps for Spiritual Growth, Purposeful Work & Christ-Centered Discipleship

I’ve been on a journey of following Jesus and living His purposes for over four decades. I still don’t do it, or anything else, perfectly, but I have learned some valuable lessons.

Not everyone is wired like me, but for those who want to be intentional and somewhat systematic in living their lives, what I’ll be sharing should be helpful.

Over the years, I’ve developed a 7 step framework that helps me stay on track, as well as empowers me to keep growing as a Christ follower.

This is a blueprint that has produced ongoing results in the lives of other Jesus centered purpose pursuers too.

Some of what I share may not resonate with you, as we are all unique individuals. No approach works for everyone. So take what you find interesting or useful and put what doesn’t on the shelf. In time, you may or may not go back to that specific step.

  1. I worked and continue to work on my beliefs. What we believe to be true is the most important factor in how we feel, talk, and act. So I studied Scripture to clarify God’s Pillar Purposes to build my life around what He says is most important. I wrote these down and continue to review them weekly. (BIG, BIG GameChanger FOR ME; i’ll explain why in future articles.)

  2. I prayed about what God’s goals were for me in each of those Pillar Purpose categories. I asked God to bring to my mind what He wanted me to focus on in each main Purpose Category for that season of life. Again, I wrote it down.

  3. I made a Purpose Growth plan based on those priorities.. I saw through study and experience that to live God’s plans, I would need to keep growing in each of those purposes. I also knew that the Bible strongly endorses prayerful planning. I went through planning times to know where and when to focus my time, talent, and energy.

  4. I started a take action, review rhythm. I set up a weekly prayer and purpose planning and review session. What worked well, what did I learn, what needs to change?.I think this is one of the main reasons God set up the Sabbath. Rest from work, prioritize worship, and seek Him for what He wants us to do the next week.

  5. I focused on starting the day well. I spend quality time with God each morning interacting with Him through Scripture, prayer, and getting my mind and emotions ready for the day. (I can’t tell you how important combining these practices has been in my positivity and productivity levels).

  6. At least 2 more check in and review times each day. At least 2 more times during the day, I do a quick review and prayer session about my purpose priorities. Daniel prayed three times per day. The Psalms talk about praying even 5–7 times per day. It doesn’t have to be long, but these short prayer times keep me in the awareness of God throughout the day.

  7. Evening celebration, review, and preparation time. In the late afternoon or evening, I take a few minutes. I prayerfully review the day (wins, challenges, learning) and prepare for tomorrow. (this doesn’t have to take long unless it leads to one of those powerful God meeting you times),

Please notice that I do the first three steps at most once per week, and some of them only 2–4 times per year.

As much as possible, I carry out the other 4 steps every work day.

This is not law, but I’ve found the more consistent I am with these steps, the more I keep moving forward in my purpose journey with Jesus.

I will write more about each step in the coming days, so please watch for that.

My goal is to help busy believers experience God more deeply, grow consistently—both spiritually and personally—and confidently live out their unique purpose.



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