Are You Falling for These 3 Big Lies About Your Purpose and Ministry?

ministry and purpose

Discover the Truth About God's Calling and Overcome Spiritual Barriers

For over 40 years in vocational ministry, I have dedicated my life to helping Christians discover their purpose and step into leadership.

Whether in church planting, working with mega-churches, or mentoring individuals, I have seen firsthand how people struggle with spiritual barriers that prevent them from fulfilling God’s calling on their life.

Most Christians believe that God has a specific plan for them. The Bible confirms this in 2 Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 2:10, and Psalm 139, reminding us that God has already prepared good works for us to live out. However, many believers hesitate to embrace their purpose due to three common lies that create unnecessary obstacles in their spiritual journey.

Let's uncover these three big lies and learn how to step into your calling with confidence.

Lie #1: "I’m Not Ready Yet"

One of the most common spiritual barriers Christians face is the belief that they are not prepared to take on a role in ministry. Many faithful believers have attended church for years, studied the Bible, and grown in faith, yet they still feel inadequate to lead a small group, teach, or mentor others.

Overcoming the Barrier of Self-Doubt

I personally struggled with this mindset as a young missionary pastor. Even though I was leading a growing church, I constantly felt like I didn’t know enough to mentor others. But one day, God placed this thought in my heart:

“No one knows everything. Just share what you DO know right now. You are part of the team, not the whole team.”

That realization freed me from the pressure of perfection. I didn’t need to be an expert—I just needed to be faithful with what I had. If you are waiting to be "ready," remember that God equips those He calls.

The key to overcoming this spiritual barrier is to start now. Share what you know, trust that God will guide you, and allow Him to work through you.

Lie #2: "I’m Not a Leader"

Many believers mistakenly believe that leadership is reserved for pastors, elders, or outgoing individuals. However, God’s plan for leadership extends to everyone in some capacity.

Biblical Truth About Spiritual Leadership

The Bible reminds us in Hebrews 5:11-12:

“Though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God.”

This passage was not written only for church leaders—it was meant for all believers. Christian leadership doesn’t mean standing on a stage; it means influencing, guiding, and discipling others.

Even if you are an introvert, new believer, or feel unqualified, you are still called to lead. 2 Timothy 2:2 teaches that passing on what we’ve learned is an essential part of spiritual growth.

The truth is, leadership is normal for Christians. Whether it’s leading a small group, mentoring a younger believer, or simply guiding your family in faith, stepping into leadership helps you grow spiritually.

Lie #3: "Small Things Don’t Matter"

One of the biggest misconceptions about ministry is that it has to be big and public to be effective. But some of the most impactful ministries I have witnessed were small groups of 5 or fewer people.

The Power of Small Groups in Ministry

Jesus Himself emphasized the power of small gatherings:

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” – Matthew 18:20

In church history, some of the greatest revivals and church growth happened through small groups led by ordinary believers. For example, during the 1970s in Ethiopia, when the communist government banned public church services, believers met in groups of 3-5 people. Over ten years, their numbers grew from 5,000 to 50,000!

This proves that small ministries are powerful. You don’t have to lead a church or a massive movement—faithfulness in small things leads to significant impact.

Breaking Free and Stepping Into Your Purpose

If you have ever believed these three lies, you are not alone. The enemy wants to use fear, doubt, and discouragementto keep you from fulfilling God’s calling on your life.

How to Overcome Spiritual Barriers and Connect With Your Purpose

  1. Start now – You don’t need to be perfect. Share what you know and let God work through you.

  2. Embrace leadership – You are called to lead, whether in your family, church, or community.

  3. Recognize the power of small steps – Ministry doesn’t have to be big to be impactful. Small groups and one-on-one discipleship can change lives.

God Has a Purpose for You—Step Into It Today!

Are you ready to overcome these spiritual barriers and embrace God’s calling on your life? Don’t let doubt hold you back. Step out in faith, trust God’s plan, and start fulfilling your ministry purpose today.

My goal is to help busy Christians experience God more deeply, grow consistently—both spiritually and personally—and confidently live out their unique purpose.



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